Transformational ChatGPT, social media reforms, and authenticity on the internet.

Plus how much for you to abandon your morals, your fav Lego minifigs, sunsets and more.


Open AI’s COO said the potential for AI to transform businesses is overhyped. I think he’s right. There’s huge potential, but AI isn’t going to be an overnight change. That’s why I find this article fascinating. It’s a pragmatic and practical look at how LLMs can be useful.

The trick lies in not expecting these tools to do your thinking for you. Instead, you need to leverage them to bulldoze through the mundane, leaving you more room to flex your intellectual muscles on the stuff that matters.

How I Use ChatGPT (As a Reasonable Person) (Napkin Math / Evan Armstrong)


After Babel continues to be a fantastic Substack analyzing the impact of social media. This article looks to laws and affective action to drive change.

Reforming social media is extremely challenging, as the difficulties are compounded by what is called the complexity gap. The technology that underlies these platforms advances much faster than many of us can understand it, making reform a constant game of catch-up. In fact, all reform efforts, for almost any cause, will be difficult to implement as our age of information overload and fragmentation makes truth and effective reforms exceptionally hard to find.

Solving the Social Dilemma: Many Paths to Social Media Reform (After Babel / Zach Rausch and Jon Haidt)


What happened to truth and authenticity on the internet? This long article is worth the read if you’ve been wondering.

Nonetheless, the kind of truth in play is changing form: emotional and moral truths are in ascendance over straightforward, factual claims. Truth becomes plural, and thereby highly contested: global warming, 9/11, or Obama’s birthplace are all treated as matters of cultural allegiance over fact, as traditionally understood. “By my reckoning, the solidly reality-based are a minority, maybe a third of us but almost certainly fewer than half,” writer Kurt Andersen posits. Electorates in the U.S. and Europe are polarising along value-driven lines — order and authority vs. openness and change. Building the coalitions of support needed to tackle the grand challenges we face this century will require a profound upgrade to our political and cultural leaders’ empathic and reconciliation skills.

The Age of Post-Authenticity and the Ironic Truths of Meme Culture (Medium / Jay Owens)

💩 Cool shit

Everyone Has A Price - Yes, it’s a tie-in for the new Squid Game. But it’s also a fascinating survey and pseudo-personality test about how much it would take to abandon your morals.

Public Access Memories - An incredibly unique virtual art gallery from the interface to the sheer creativity.

Brickelo - ELO rating of Lego minifigs.

Learn Morse Code - Learn Morse Code with this skeuomorphic machine.

Make Real - One of the more impressive gen AI tools. Draw something and watch it become real.

Eternal Sunset - Tune into a live cam of a sunset somewhere in the world.

Boring Cash Cows - A list of simple businesses that are making money.

Big-Ass Message - What it says on the tin.

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