#71: Finance, and the medium is the message
Plus Marvel Cinematic Network, Infinite Gallery, and more.
Plus Marvel Cinematic Network, Infinite Gallery, and more.
Plus social capital atlas, ArtButMakeItSports, and more.
Plus The Kubrick Times, Central bank sim, and more
Plus standards, excel formula bot, and more.
And "the Metaverse" is not real and the history of user interfaces
Plus SNES manuals, absurd trolley problems, and more.
Plus, an interactive platformer game, a 90s Simpsons jokes explains US politics and more.
Plus how tokens change communities, a live captioning HUD, and more.
Plus Lay's around the world, and adtech and the Fox News machine
Plus, the internet died 5 years ago, the perception gap quiz, and more.
Plus MRI of Earth, Every .horse, interactive 4D, the dogecoin creator, and more.
Plus poster's disease, the CIA reading room, and more.