Some CSS fun (Spam Mail #17)

Nintendo family website, adjustable CSS, diving into the ocean and more.

đź’© Cool Shit

Yamauchi No.10 Family Office - It’s only fitting that a website by the founding family of Nintendo is a joy to visit.

Luke Towers (Chaos Mode) - Click the chaos button in the bottom left corner (sound warning).

Vacation.Inc - Poolside.FM are bringing all the retro vibes with a sunscreen line.

Tonsky - Arguably a better dark mode than any other website or app.

Trails of Wind - An impressive visualization of airport runways and their relation to wind patterns.

Nils Binder’s Website (and adjustable CSS) - Use a slider to adjust how many lines of CSS there are.

đź’Ž Word gems

Be More Realistic About the Time You Have (HBR / Sabina Nawaz)

The concept of “time debt” - overcommitting to your workload - is fantastic. It’s a surprisingly simple way of explaining how we can all feel better by just having fewer tasks to do. I never learn.

We persuade ourselves there’s no harm in overambitious plans because they help us overachieve. And especially with remote work, we are convinced of the need to show others our value through overwork. Yet when we indulge in magical thinking, we can disappoint others who depend on us, miss deadlines, feel depleted, and lose our inspiration.

Leaving Afghanistan, and the Lessons of America’s Longest War (The New Yorker /  Steve Coll)

A great take on the US military exiting Afghanistan.

The President has framed the war’s end with the upcoming September 11th anniversary, for obvious reasons, but it strikes a hollow ring of political marketing at a moment that ought to evoke sombre reflection about the tragic cost of hubris—the more than twenty-two hundred American lives lost, but also, crucially, more than a hundred thousand Afghans killed. It is the Afghan people, of course, who have paid the highest price for America’s failed ambitions in their country, and who now face the bleak threat of a second Taliban revolution, or a deepening and grinding civil war, and this after more than forty years of almost continuous conflict, started and prolonged by the invasions and covert actions of outside nations.

Beneath the blue: dive into a dazzling ocean under threat – interactive (The Guardian / Todd Woody, Garry Blight, Chris Michael and Lydia McMullan)

A quote really doesn’t give this article justice. An interactive story where you scroll deeper into the ocean. It’s wonderful, and upsetting.

Mining corporations are poised for what they hope will be a banner year in 2021: the approval of regulations to allow the mining of the planet’s final frontier, the deep sea.

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